1.1.2 |
At the institution level, the curriculum planning and adoption are a collaborative effort; Indicate the persons involved in the curriculum planning process during the last completed academic year
- Faculty of the institution
- Head/Principal of the institution
- Schools including Practice teaching schools
- Employers
- Experts
- Students
- Alumni
1.1.3 |
While planning institutional curriculum, focus is kept on the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) and Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) for all programmes offered by the institution, which are stated and communicated to teachers and students through
- Website of the Institution
- Prospectus
- Student induction programme
- Orientation programme for teachers
1.2.1 |
Curriculum provides adequate choice of courses to students as optional /electives including pedagogy courses for which teachers are available |
1.2.2 |
Average number of value-added courses offered during the last five years |
1.2.3 |
Percentage of students enrolled in the value-added courses mentioned at 1.2.2 during the last five years |
1.2.4 |
Students are encouraged and facilitated to undergo self-study courses online/offline in several ways through
- Provision in the Time Table
- Facilities in the Library
- Computer lab facilities
- Academic Advice/Guidance
1.2.5 |
Percentage of students who have completed self-study courses ( online /offline, beyond the curriculum ) during the last five years |
1.4.1 |
Mechanism is in place for obtaining structured feedback on the curriculum – semester wise from various stakeholders
Structured feedback is obtained from
- Students
- Teachers
- Employers
- Alumni
- Practice teaching schools/TEI
1.4.2 |
Feedback collected from stakeholders is processed and action is taken; feedback process adopted by the institution comprises the following
- Feedback collected, analysed, action taken and available on website
- Feedback collected, analysed and action taken
- Feedback collected and analysed
- Feedback collected
- Feedback not collected
2.1.1 |
Average enrolment percentage of students during the last five years |
2.1.2 |
Percentage of seats filled against reserved categories (SC, ST, OBC) as per applicable reservation policy during the last five years |
2.1.3 |
Percentage of students enrolled from EWS and Divyangjan categories during the last five years |
2.2.2 |
Mechanisms are in place to honour student diversities in terms of learning needs; Student diversities are addressed on the basis of the learner profiles identified by the institution through
- Mentoring/Academic Counselling
- Peer feedback/Tutoring
- Remedial learning engagement
- Learning Enhancement /Enrichment inputs
- Collaborative tasks
- Assistive Devices and Adaptive Structures (for the differently abled)
- Multilingual interactions and inputs
2.2.3 |
There are institutional provisions for catering to differential student needs; Appropriate learning exposures are provided to students
- No Special effort put forth in accordance with learner needs
- Only when students seek support
- As an institutionalized activity in accordance with learner needs
- Left to the judgment of the individual teacher/s
- Whenever need arises due to student diversity
2.2.4 |
Student-Mentor ratio for the last completed academic year |
2.3.2 |
Percentage of teachers integrating ICT (excluding use of PPT) for effective teaching with Learning Management Systems (LMS), Swayam Prabha, e-Learning Resources and others during the last five years |
2.3.3 |
Students are encouraged to use ICT support (mobile-based learning, online material, podcast, virtual laboratories, learning apps etc.) for their learning including on field practice |
2.3.4 |
ICT support is used by students in various learning situations such as
- Understanding theory courses
- Practice teaching
- Internship
- Out of class room activities
- Biomechanical and kinesiological activities
- Field sports
2.3.6 |
Institution provides exposure to students about recent developments in the field of education through
- Special lectures by experts
- Book reading & discussion on it
- Discussion on recent policies & regulations
- Teacher presented seminars for benefit of teachers & students
- Use of media for various aspects of education
- Discussions showcasing the linkages of various contexts of education- from local to regional to national to global
2.4.1 |
Institution provides opportunities for developing competencies and skills in different functional areas through specially designed activities / experiences that include
- Organizing Learning (lesson plan)
- Developing Teaching Competencies
- Assessment of Learning
- Technology use and Integration
- Organizing Field Visits
- Conducting Outreach/ Out of classroom Activities
- Community Engagement
- Facilitating Inclusive Education
- Preparing Individualized Educational Plan(IEP)
2.4.2 |
Students go through a set of activities as preparatory to school- based practice teaching and internship. Pre practice teaching / internship orientation / training encompasses certain significant skills and competencies such as
- Formulating learning objectives
- Content mapping
- Lesson planning/ individualized education plans (IEP)
- Identifying varied student abilities
- Dealing with student diversity in classrooms
- Visualising differential learning activities according to student needs
- Addressing inclusiveness
- Assessing student learning
- Mobilizing relevant and varied learning resources
- Evolving ICT based learning situations
- Exposure to Braille /Indian languages /Community engagement
2.4.3 |
Competency of effective communication is developed in students through several activities such as
- Workshop sessions for effective communication
- Simulated sessions for practicing communication in different situations
- Participating in institutional activities as ‘anchor’, ‘discussant’ or ‘rapporteur’
- Classroom teaching learning situations along with teacher and peer feedback
2.4.4 |
Students are enabled to evolve the following tools of assessment for learning suited to the kinds of learning engagement provided to learners, and to analyse as well as interpret responses
- Teacher made written tests essentially based on subject content
- Observation modes for individual and group activities
- Performance tests
- Oral assessment
- Rating Scales
2.4.5 |
Adequate skills are developed in students for effective use of ICT for teaching learning process in respect of
- Preparation of lesson plans
- Developing assessment tools for both online and offline learning
- Effective use of social media/learning apps/adaptive devices for learning
- Identifying and selecting/ developing online learning resources
- Evolving learning sequences (learning activities) for online as well as face to face situations
2.4.6 |
Students develop competence to organize academic, cultural, sports and community related events through
- Planning and scheduling academic, cultural and sports events in school
- Planning and execution of community related events
- Building teams and helping them to participate
- Involvement in preparatory arrangements
- Executing/conducting the event
2.4.7 |
A variety of assignments given and assessed for theory courses through
- Library work
- Field exploration
- Hands-on activity
- Preparation of term paper
- Identifying and using the different sources for study
2.4.9 |
Average number of students attached to each school for internship during the last completed academic year |
2.4.10 |
Nature of internee engagement during internship consists of
- Classroom Teaching
- Mentoring
- Time-table preparation
- Student Counselling
- PTA meetings
- Assessment of student learning – home assignments & tests
- Organizing academic and cultural events
- Maintaining documents
- Administrative responsibilities- experience/exposure
- Preparation of progress reports
2.4.12 |
Performance of students during internship is assessed by the institution in terms of observations of different persons such as (* ‘schools’ to be read as “TEIs” for PG programmes)
- Self
- Peers(fellow interns)
- Teachers / School* Teachers
- Principal / School* Principal
- B.Ed Students / School* Students
2.4.13 |
Comprehensive appraisal of interns’ performance is in place. The criteria used for assessment include
- Effectiveness in class room teaching
- Competency acquired in evaluation process in schools
- Involvement in various activities of schools
- Regularity, initiative and commitment
- Extent of job readiness
2.5.1 |
Percentage of fulltime teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years |
2.5.2 |
Percentage of fulltime teachers with Ph. D. degree during the last five years |
2.5.3 |
Average teaching experience of full time teachers for the last completed academic year |
2.6.2 |
Mechanism of internal evaluation is transparent and robust and time bound; Institution adopts the following in internal evaluation
- Display of internal assessment marks before the term end examination
- Timely feedback on individual/group performance
- Provision of improvement opportunities
- Access to tutorial/remedial support
- Provision of answering bilingually
2.7.2 |
Average pass percentage of students during the last five years |
2.7.4 |
Performance of outgoing Students in the internal assessment |
3.1.1 |
Average number of research projects funded by government and/or non-government agencies during the last five years |
3.1.2 |
Average grants received for research projects from government and/ or non-government agencies during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) |
3.1.3 |
In-house support is provided by the institution to teachers for research purposes during the last five years in the form of
- Seed money for doctoral studies/research projects
- Granting study leave for research field work
- Undertaking appraisals of institutional functioning and documentation
- Facilitating research by providing organizational supports
- Organising research circle/internal seminar/interactive session on research
3.1.4 |
Institution has created an eco-system for innovation and other initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge that include
- Participative efforts (brain storming, think tank, etc.) to identify possible and needed innovations
- Encouragement to novel ideas
- Official approval and support for innovative try-outs
- Material and procedural supports
3.2.1 |
Average number of research papers / articles per teacher published in Journals notified on UGC website during the last five years |
3.2.2 |
Average number of books and / or chapters in edited books published and papers in National / International conference-proceedings per teacher during the last five years |
3.3.1 |
Average number of outreach activities organized by the institution during the last five years |
3.3.2 |
Percentage of students participating in outreach activities organised by the institution during the last five years |
3.3.3 |
Percentage of student participation in National Priority Programmes such as Swachh Bharat, AIDs awareness, Gender sensitivity, Yoga, Digital India, National Water Mission during the last five years |
3.3.5 |
Number of awards and honours received for outreach activities from government/ recognised agency during the last five years |
3.4.1 |
Average number of linkages for Faculty exchange, Student exchange, research etc. during the last five years |
3.4.2 |
Functional MoUs with institutions of National and / or International importance, other universities, industries, corporate houses etc. during the last five years |
3.4.3 |
Institution has linkages with schools and other educational agencies for both academic and outreach activities and jointly organizes
- Local community based activities
- Practice teaching /internship in schools
- Organizes events of mutual interest- literary, cultural and open discussions on pertinent themes to school education
- Discern ways to strengthen school based practice through joint discussions and planning
- Join hands with schools in identifying areas for innovative practice
- Rehabilitation Clinics
- Linkages with general colleges
4.1.2 |
Percentage of classrooms and seminar hall(s) with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart classroom, LMS, video and sound systems, etc. during the last completed academic year |
4.1.3 |
Percentage of expenditure excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during the last five years (INR in lakhs) |
4.2.3 |
Institution has subscription for e-resources and has membership / registration for the following
- e-journals
- e-Shodh Sindhu
- Shodhganga
- e-books
- Databases
4.2.4 |
Average annual expenditure for purchase of books, journals, and e-resources during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) |
4.2.5 |
Percentage per day usage of library by teachers and students during the last completed academic year |
4.2.6 |
Efforts are made to make available National Policies and other documents on education in the library suitable to the three streams of teacher education –general teacher education, special education and physical education by the following ways
- Relevant educational documents are obtained on a regular basis
- Documents are made available from other libraries on loan
- Documents are obtained as and when teachers recommend
- Documents are obtained as gifts to College
4.3.2 |
Student – Computer ratio during the last completed academic year |
4.3.3 |
Internet bandwidth available in the institution |
4.3.4 |
Facilities for e-content development are available in the institution such as
- Studio / Live studio
- Content distribution system
- Lecture Capturing System (LCS)
- Teleprompter
- Editing and graphic unit
4.4.1 |
Percentage expenditure incurred exclusively on maintenance of physical and academic support facilities during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) |
5.1.1 |
A range of capability building and skill enhancement initiatives are undertaken by the institution such as
- Career and Personal Counselling
- Skill enhancement in academic, technical and organizational aspects
- Communicating with persons of different disabilities: Braille, Sign language and Speech training
- Capability to develop a seminar paper and a research paper; understand/appreciate the difference between the two
- E-content development
- Online assessment of learning
5.1.2 |
Available student support facilities in institution are
- Vehicle Parking
- Common room separately for boys and girls
- Recreational facility
- First Aid and medical aid
- Transport
- Book bank
- Safe drinking water
- Hostel
- Canteen
- toilets for girls
5.1.3 |
The institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases such as
- Institution has guidelines regarding redressal mechanism approved by appropriate statutory/regulatory bodies
- Details of members of grievance redressal committees are available on the institutional website
- Awareness programmes are conducted to communicate the guidelines for redressal of student grievances to teachers and students
- Provision for students to submit grievances online/offline
- Grievance redressal committee meets on a regular basis
- Students’ grievances are addressed within 7 days of receiving the complaint
5.1.4 |
Institution provides additional support to needy students in several ways
- Monetary help from external sources such as banks
- Outside accommodation on reasonable rent on shared or individual basis
- Dean student welfare is appointed and takes care of student welfare
- Placement Officer is appointed and takes care of the Placement Cell
- Concession in tuition fees/hostel fees
- Group insurance (Health/Accident)
5.2.1 |
Percentage of placement of students as teachers/teacher educators |
5.2.2 |
Percentage of student progression to higher education during the last completed academic year |
5.2.3 |
Percentage of students qualifying state/national level examinations during the last five years (eg: NET/SLET/ TET/ CTET) |
5.3.2 |
Average number of sports and cultural events organized at the institution during the last five years |
5.4.2 |
Alumni has an active role in the regular institutional functioning such as
- Motivating the freshly enrolled students
- Involvement in the in-house curriculum development
- Organization of various activities other than class room activities
- Support to curriculum delivery
- Student mentoring
- Financial contribution
- Placement advice and support
5.4.3 |
Number of meetings of Alumni Association held during the last five years |
6.2.3 |
Implementation of e-governance are in the following areas of operation
- Planning and Development
- Administration
- Finance and Accounts
- Student Admission and Support
- Examination System
- Biometric / digital attendance for staff
- Biometric / digital attendance for students
6.3.2 |
Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend Seminars /conferences/workshops and towards membership fees of professional bodies during the last five years |
6.3.3 |
Number of professional development /administrative training programmes organized by the institution for teaching and non-teaching staff during the last five years |
6.3.4 |
Percentage of teachers undergoing online / face to face Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs) viz., Orientation Programme and Refresher Course of the ASC / HRDC, Short Term Course and any other similar programmes |
6.4.2 |
Funds / Donations received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropists averaged over the last five years (not covered in Criterion III)(INR in Lakhs) |
6.5.3 |
Average number of quality initiatives taken by IQAC or any other mechanism for promoting quality culture during the last five years |
6.5.4 |
Institution engages in several quality initiatives such as
- Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) or other mechanisms; Feedback collected, analysed and used for improvements
- Timely submission of AQARs (only after 1st cycle)
- Academic Administrative Audit (AAA) and initiation of follow up action
- Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s)
- Participation in NIRF
7.1.3 |
Institution waste management practices include
- Segregation of waste
- E-waste management
- Vermi-compost
- Bio gas plants
- Sewage Treatment Plant
7.1.4 |
Institution has water management and conservation initiatives in the form of
- Rain water harvesting
- Waste water recycling
- Reservoirs/tanks/ bore wells
- Economical usage/ reduced wastage
7.1.6 |
Institution is committed to encourage green practices that include
- Encouraging use of bicycles/E-vehicles
- Create pedestrian friendly roads in the campus
- Develop plastic-free campus
- Move towards paperless office
- Green landscaping with trees and plants
7.1.7 |
Percentage of expenditure on green initiatives and waste management excluding salary component during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) |
7.1.9 |
Institution has a prescribed Code of Conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff, and conducts periodic programmes to appraise adherence to the Code through the following ways
- Code of Conduct is displayed on the institution’s website
- Students and teachers are oriented about the Code of Conduct
- There is a committee to monitor adherence to the Code of Conduct
- Professional ethics programmes for students, teachers, administrators and other staff are organized periodically